
Thursday, 25 June 2020

Who's the best?

This week we read a play called who's the best? It was a play about the planets, who decide to have meeting with the Sun.
It was a very funny play and we enjoyed film short clips. Mrs Hall helped us to put it all together onto iMovie. Here is is so we hope you enjoy it. 

Who's The best?

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Train Maths problem

We had to notice what is the same and different about the two trains. One was pink, black, light green and dark green. The other one was all white there was 21 of them.  Black was 7, light green was 3, pink was 4, and dark green was 6. 
 We used our doubles maths knowledge to make our 20 train. We doubled 5+5=10 and 10+10=20.
                                                 We used our adding knowledge up to 20.
            We noticed the trains where all different sizes so we needed to start again and make sure they                                                were all the same size. They all had be all 20.
           We made up the trains and then drew them on the paper. One of us wrote the numbers.
                                           I used my doubles 5 knowledge to make my train.
                                                We worked together to solve the problem.
Azara we put them all together and added them up and then checked to see if there were 20.
                                            How would you have answered the question?

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

How to look after our chromebooks

                                      Hug hold the chrome book when walking around with it.
                                                           Hold it with 2 hands.
                                                          Pass it with 2 hands.
                                     Put it down on the table gently and away from the edge.
                                                         Don't put liquids by it.
                                                 Type on the keys gently. Close it carefully.
                                            Log out and turn it off before you put it away.

                               We are being cyber smart!